Managing personal finances can be challenging, if only because the subject has so many facets to consider. More than just how much money you are spending and what you are using it to buy,…
Author: admin
4 Resources That Can Help You Launch Your Business
Introducing a small business to the world can be both terrifying and exciting for entrepreneurs. As a self-employed worker, you will enjoy the freedom of being your own boss. You can call…
Here’s Why a Prenuptial Agreement Can Benefit Any Couple
If you recently became engaged, signing a prenuptial agreement might not be the first thing on your mind. However, establishing terms for dividing assets is important for newly married couples. This process…
How Charitable Giving Can Actually Make You Money
While donating to a charity is traditionally seen as a selfless act, individuals and companies can benefit from making charitable donations. Self-employed entrepreneurs, small businesses and international corporations can receive financial support for…
How to Find Out if You Are Earning Enough in Your Field
The details of an employee’s salary are rarely shared around the water cooler. This leaves many people feeling uncertain of their position on the income ladder. How do you know if you are…
5 Benefits of Investing in an Extended Auto Warranty
After you’ve spent your savings on a down payment for a new or used vehicle, the last thing you may want to do is spend even more on an extended auto warranty….
How to Calculate Your Net Worth and Why It’s Important
Your net worth, simply put, is the difference between the value of what you own (assets) and what you owe (your liabilities). If your assets are greater than your liabilities, then your…
How to Teach Your Child About Money
As a parent, you have a responsibility to teach your child about the importance of money over his or her lifetime. Having a good set of financial skills can set your child…
Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Open a Money Market Account
When you decide to put money away into savings, you have a few options. Do you want a standard savings account, or would you like something that may provide more benefits, like…
Your Guide to Setting up a 401(k) Retirement Account
When most people think of saving for retirement, they think that they can start later in their lives and be fine. People in their 20s and 30s often do not believe that saving…